What is 0.1824 as a fraction?

In this article, we will guide you step by step through the process of converting the decimal 0.1824 into a fraction. We will start by understanding how a decimal represents the fractional part of a number, then break down the steps to rewrite 0.1824 as a fraction. Finally, we will simplify the fraction by identifying and applying the Greatest Common Factor, ensuring the results are in the simplest form.

By the end of this guide, you should have a good understanding of decimal to fraction conversions and be able to apply this knowledge to various mathematical problems. Let's begin.

0.1824 as a fraction equals 1824/10000 or 114/625

Now let's break down the steps for converting 0.1824 into a fraction.

Step 1:

First, we express 0.1824 as a fraction by placing it over 1:

Step 2:

Next, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10 for each digit after the decimal point.
0.1824 x 10000/1 x 10000

Step 3:

Next, we find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) for 1824 and 10000. Keep in mind a factor is just a number that divides into another number without any remainder.
The factors of 1824 are: 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 19 24 32 38 48 57 76 96 114 152 228 304 456 608 912 1824
The factors of 10000 are: 1 2 4 5 8 10 16 20 25 40 50 80 100 125 200 250 400 500 625 1000 1250 2000 2500 5000 10000
The GCF of 1824 and 10000 is: 16

Step 4:

To simplify the fraction, we divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor (GCF), which we calculated in the previous step. The GCF value is 16 in this case.
1824 ÷ 16/10000 ÷ 16

Great Work! We've just determined that 0.1824 as a fraction equals 1824/10000 or 114/625 in its simplest form.

Convert any decimal to a fraction

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Frequently asked math questions, including decimals and fractions

Read the following section to help deepen your understanding of basic math concepts.

What are whole numbers?

Whole numbers are numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Whole numbers do not have a decimal point or fractional part. Whole numbers are always positive. Negative numbers are not considered whole.

What are proper fractions?

Proper fractions are fractions where the numerator (the top number) is less than the denominator (the bottom number). Example 2/3

What are composite numbers?

Composite numbers are numbers that are greater than 1 and have more than two factors. For example, 6 is a composite number because it has factors 1, 2,3 and 6.

What is a percentage?

A percentage is a number as a fraction of 100. It is denoted using the '%' symbol. For example, 20% means 20 out of 100.

What is a terminating decimal?

A terminating decimal is a decimal number that has a finite number of digits after the decimal point. For example, 0.35 and 3.5 are terminating decimals.

What is a decimal as a percentage?

A decimal can be converted to a percentage by multiplying it by 100 and adding a percent sign. For example, 0.75 × 100 = 75%.

Educational math links

There are numerous online resources available (some free and some paid) for learning math including decimals and fractions. These range from interactive games to in-depth courses and lessons. We recommend these websites as a valuable resource for students of all skill levels.

For fun game based learning try Prodigy Math.

Desmos.com has a focus on equation, functions and visual graphs.

Math Planet has customized math courses for high school students.

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