Welcome to asafraction.net. This calculator converts decimals into fractions. Enter the decimal number to see the answer in simplified fraction form.
Enter a Decimal value:With the convenience of the decimal to fraction calculator aside, let’s not forget the importance of being able to manually convert decimal to fraction on paper.
Terminating decimals have a limited number of digits after the decimal point. Follow these steps to manually convert any terminating decimal into a fraction:
Step a: Write the decimal number in fraction format, with the number as the numerator and 1 in the denominator.
Step b: Now, multiply the numerator and the denominator by 10 for every digit left of the decimal point.
Step c: Next, reduce the fraction into its simplest form.
Terminating Decimal to Fraction Example: 7078.89 = 7078 89/100
Non-terminating also known as recurring decimals are those decimals which have one or more repeating digits after the decimal point which continue on infinitely. Non-terminating decimals are typically more complex to manually convert into fractions. Next we'll explain the steps involved.
Let us find the value of decimal 0.4444... in fraction form.
Step 1: Take the repeating decimal you are trying to convert as x. Let x be equal to 0.44444….
Step 2: Multiply the value of X by the power of 10, such that the resulting number has the same number on the right side of the decimal.
Hence, 10x = 4.44444….
Step 3: Subtact the output of the the first two steps
10x-x = 4.444444...-0.4444444….
9x= 4
= 4/9
Step 4: Resulting in a fraction number of the decimal number.
Recurring Decimal to Fraction Example:
8186.6666 = 8186 6666/10000 = 666/1000 = 66/100 = 2/3 (rounded)Irrational decimals go on forever and never form a repeating pattern. This type of decimal cannot be expressed as a fraction.
Irrational Decimal Example: 0.180833936.....